Medicinal Homemaking

Alhamdulilah I have been taking my herbalist and aromatherapy classes.
Its been such a blessing to teach the child healthy alternatives to take care of yourself.
We have been making medicinal oils that have been really working for us, by His permission always!

One of the blessings in homemaking is that we are constantly learning and teaching our children. Pursuing knowledge should never stop because we have children... It should increase! How can our children learn and be passed down great traditions if we are not learning them first?
The children have been getting to know herbs and there benefits.

MashaAllah this is something we are doing as a family. He has blessed us with edible medicinal plants in our backyard alhamdulilah!

Our 6 yr old, made eucalyptus oil with me alhamdulilah and it was not only a learning experience but bonding too :)

Its part of our service to properly take care of our families alhamdulilah..  Sometimes that includes staying up long night with coughs, fevers, and dealing with cuts, bruises etc. He has truly given us many ways to give our family ease when they are not well!

 Our food is important... When cooking, dhikring.. Having positive thoughts and energy is important habit to have when making and serving food. You want to put love into it and His remembrance... Remember that we are nourishing bellies because He has blessed us to.  Feeding those in our care, food made with love and care.
 When cooking, we must remember that we are making sure our family is getting the best we can provide.

Homemaking is so much more than just clean, cook.. repeat. Its really about serving and getting close to our Creator and being in a state of gratitude! The higher purpose, and doing it all in the best healthy happy halal way.


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