There's No Place Like Home Birth: Our Home Birth Story Part 1

Am I really about to have our 6th child?
Did we really decide to do this at home?

Questions and more questions and a reality check! YES this is our 6th blessing and YES we are doing this at home.

It did not start that way, yes we were excited to add another member to our growing team. and We figured like all the other children (except my daughter who was born at home), they would be born in the hospital.

As time progressed we decided that having this baby at home would be the best decision for us... for our family.

So we're having a home birth... there's nothing much to do at this point? Right?, noooo not the case at all. We prayed and prayed for us to find a midwife that would feel like family and be part of our home, for this home birth.
Allah answered our prayers when He sent us a midwife, that is loving, kind, concerned and genuine.
Alhamdulilah!! Also we are asking for everyone to make duaa and if possible donate towards our experience: Baby Rahim, Home Birth Dream

Tahleel ( isn't he so adorable mashaAllah!!!) was born in NYC. Labor started early in the morning, somewhere around 5 a.m. my husband came home to be surprised that labor had started. We decided to stay home until I knew we could not stay any longer. He was so kind taking care of the boys, feeding them and making sure they were okay, while tending to me... I was sleeping in between contractions and it was very peaceful. Around 3 or 4 the pain was beginning to get too intense and so we decided to head to our hospital.My husband made attempts before hand to get family and friends to watch our children so he could attend the birth. MashaAllah as it was written, he was not able to get anyone to watch them and so he missed the birth of Tahleel. 

One of the nurses was so kind that she went and informed my husband in the waiting room that Tahleel had been born and she was even so kind as to watch the boys so my husband could come and see me and call the athan in Tahleel's ear. It was a good birth as in, very easy but emotionally I was sad and bothered that he could not be in thee room, as he had been for all the other children.

It was disappointing for him to not be there and it took a lot of prayer and patience not to be bitter with his people for not being there for us.

Alhamdulilah Tahleel is now 20 months old and we are weeks away from our new bundle of joy (gender unknown)

We decided to a homebirth for a few reasons:

1.) I LOVE the comfort of being in my own home, with the people I love.
2.) As a mom of more than 2 children it's harder to find someone to watch all the children (If I had to go to the hospital) a result my husband missed the last birth. I was quite sad by that but alhamdulilah this home birth will allow him to be right by my side and the children right in their home, safe and comfortable.
3.) I dont have to be bombarded by strangers, unknown and unrelated males !

4.) I can take my mind off the contractions by being able to use the resources around me
5.) The familiarity of everything
6.) My own bed, and not saying bye to my husband and children because they cant spend the night in my hospital room
7.) Good home cooking, no hospital food yay!!
8.) Peace of mind
9.) I dont have to share a room with strangers... yes as I have been warned in the past that I may have to share a room if there was none available
10.) Home birth works for us!!


  1. Masha Allah that is great you are doing that. may Allah make it easy for you.
    Do you ever worry about the complications, if things go wrong? Also if something happens what are your options? are you close enough to the hospital etc? I think that is the ONLY thing putting me off home birth...(In sha Allah one day I have kids) is the worry of complications and not being able to get the correct medical care. But apart from that I am 100% pro Home Birth!!!


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