Truly Answering His Call

What is the call? The call has been described as, doing what is meant for you.

This could be a number of things!

Alhamdulilah I believe I'm being called to serve my community in various ways. My herbalist and aromatherapist training is to be used to serve others and alhamdulilah I believe homemaking is a calling that we must answer.

No, We can't hang up, disconnect and ignore the call. Its time to answer, reconnect, and act, with a renewed purpose.

He put us here, in our home. He blessed us with the children who we see every day, He gave us a spouse to help and love. And He knows what He is doing... He chose you to take care of these gifts and for this purpose, we should feel honor and appreciation SubhanAllah.

Answer the call!

You can truly begin to answer the call by telling yourself, you can do this! He gives you just what you need, He knows what you can handle. And as soon as you realize that you can handle it, the sooner you'll have a better handle of your home ;)
He has given us the tools to help us handle it. Organizing, cleaning, schedules etc... The resources are out there. You don't have to feel overwhelmed but you do have to feel in control of your homemaking blessings. Start slowly and seek out those tools to help you.

Realise that homemaking is more than cooking, and cleaning. Our purpose in this area is more than a hot meal. Its about healing, nurturing, and supporting. Healing the body with healthy foods, nurturing their hearts with joy and emotionally providing uplifting words to ease their troubles. Supporting them in their growth and development and gently directing them along the way. Homemaking goes beyond the laundry. Its about having blessings and taking care of them in the best ways.

Our Lord made no mistakes!

We sometimes say this phrase "I'm a stay at home mom." I never use this term anyone... I respond "I'm a service at home mom." He has placed me here and I provide a variety of services alhamdulilah!
He is great and He knows best! I ask Him to guide all my steps because service is no light work :)

When should you stop avoiding the call?
Right now! Pick up, put your heart in it, and recommit. Today, change how you view your homemaking and you will see changes. Its not always easy, but He is always there.

Surround yourself with women who are answering the call... Get that motivation and advice you need so you can better fulfill your purpose.

I'm blessed with very few women who help me in this area, and I'm so thankful for their advice alhamdulilah.

He is calling us ... To do this "job" and He wants us to do it in a way that He is pleased with, in a way that He is remembered, and with our hearts.

Ring... Ring...


  1. as salam aleykum wa rahmatu LLah wa barakatuh!
    thanks for sharing this, it's help me a lot! i would like to buy your two books but i don't know your minhaj?i can't buy if i don't know, if you can answer me please

  2. Wa alaykumsalam so glad you found this article helpful! I'm sure you would find the books equally as helpful mashaAllah
    My minhaj is being very helpful a lot, the way of the Prophet (sallAllahu alayhi wa salam).

  3. Assalamualaykum masahallah very beautiful and inspiring words. barakallahu feeki

  4. Assalamualaykum mashallah very beautiful and inspiring words. barakallahu feeki

  5. As salamu alaikum sister. Thank you for the nice motivational words. May Allah bless you and your family!


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