Traditional Muslimah Doula

Truly He is the best of planners! I'm always amazed at how he opens doors, I didn't know existed. I spent four days with my herbalist and aromatherapist teacher. It was awesome! Allah bless my husband for his support and making sure I can do my studies and gain more hands on experience.

What's happening at the Rahim home?
Well!!! I'm a certified aromatherapist and herbalist Alhamdulilah yay!!!!! So we started our home business. Making teas, tonics, tincture, salves, aromatherapy products etc etc and it's been amazing mashaAllah!!!

I thought this was it for now, but Allah showed me an additional path to take. I started training to be a Doula! Interesting because I blog about service and when you read what the Greek word Doula means, it's kinda like wow hey, this fits !!! I walked away from the four day classes training to specialize in three things:
Postpartum Doula
and using aromatherapy in pregnancy, labor and postpartum

SubhanAllah!!!!! My husband is totally supportive and is just like "Do it Ameera!" so well what can I say?
Allah has shown me, that this is another way to be of service and I'm totally all for service. He opened the door, I walked through. Alhamdulilah He knows best... So bismillah!

Kind people around the world are donating books and as I said... I didn't know I would do this but was truly inspired talking to Doulas and they are helping me by giving me class books alhamdulilah mashaAllah!!! As I said He opened the door and He is making it so I can do it.... Alhamdulilah!

I'm Now a student doula for Birth Arts International... The same teacher who taught me to be a herbalist is now teaching me the best ways to support pregnant and postpartum women... Alhamdulilah!!!!

Can you find me? Lol

I learned a lot from women who traveled from NYC, Peru and so on... It was beyond words really.
As a student I'm still taking clients, helps with my training alhamdulilah!! Who is ready to have a Traditional Muslimah Doula? I'm ready !! :)

Of course I will keep everyone updated inshaAllah. Thankful my husband is very helpful and encouraging. MashaAllah thankful for friends who are not saying "you can't do it" but are saying "you can do it ameera" well with His help, I don't doubt it alhamdulilah!!!!

Herbalist and aromatherapist help is also available alhamdulilah So please feel free to reach out and I will gladly reach back inshaAllah


  1. assalamualikum !! THIS IS AMAZING !!!! i am really into homebirth and doula stuff and its amazing to see Muslimah's into this too! i really want to become a doula !

  2. Hi Ameera. I am in need of a muslim duola. How do i contact you?!


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