Timeless Qualities Of A Woman

 (Written two years ago/updated recently) 

It's been awhile since I have been inspired to blog. It is refreshing to write and share some of my thoughts with you all! I pray you all are well and happy.

This morning, I was thinking about my mother. Today is her birthday and I thought about the qualities I saw growing up, that I inherited and embraced in my life. I would say these are timeless qualities, because no matter if it's my mother's generation or my own--- there are qualities that are timeless and needless to say, still much needed in our homes and society. Qualities that we, as women should strive to bring out of ourselves and implement in our lives.

My message on Facebook today about my mother: 

"Happy birthday to my mother, the epitome of divinely given femininity, strength, timeless class and wisdom. 

I’ve learned so much from you. 

You did so much for me and my siblings …. Sacrificed so much…. I’m forever thankful and it’s your teachings and motherly guidance that made me into the woman I am today."

What does it mean? Timeless Qualities ? There are qualities and traits that never go out of style, and part of what makes a woman --a woman. 

No matter how many years go by, these qualities will forever be part of us. Allah has blessed us to have them and we should be thankful, its truly a gift ! Let's embrace it and see what a difference it makes in our homes.

We, as women have all of these traits, sometimes they need refinement, cultivation, and the right environment/People to assist in us bringing it out-- but it's there. Sometimes we create habits, have life situations and so on that takes us out of our natural element. With time, intention, and consistency, we will see the results in ourselves, in our mates, and in our homes.

Timeless Qualities Of A Woman

1. Femininity - Femininity is endlessly enchanting and never goes out of style. We have a certain grace and elegance about ourselves that is only unique to us.  A sister said "Femininity is our birthright. Tap in." and I could not agree more. We are not like men and men are not like us. 

2. Homemaking- Women have the ability to change the energy and mood of her home. We breathe life into it with our womanly ways. We nurture, we heal, we make our house a home, and we create environments of comfort by Allah's permission. Homemaking is what we do! Often times many women have struggled, but made due with what they had and still made their homes a place of comfort. We have that ability to turn nothing into something. To make a space full of love warmth a place of dhikr.

3. Serene voice- our voices have the ability to calm, soothe, encourage, and uplift. It is a tool that can be used to express love and heal broken hearts. It gives our spouses peace when the words spoken  to them, are gentle, loving and not harsh and loud. A soft spoken voice is like a calm embrace in words. Be mindful of your tone the next time you approach your spouse. You have to be intentional, and renew those intentions daily. It is very easy to do the opposite! The Prophet SalAllahu alayhi wa salam said "Allah is Gentle and loves gentleness, and He grants reward for it that He does not grant for harshness." imagine how much reward we can receive by just speaking in a gentle manner? SubhanAllah !

4. Encouragement- We are the heart of the home. We encourage everyone when they are down, we are the cheerleaders, the motivators, and encouragers.  At the end of a long day, our husbands can come to us for renewed support and safe refuge. After being in a world full of disappointment, problems and fights-- he should come home to the arms of his wife who uses her words and actions to help him prepare for another day. She creates the environment that prepares him for dealing with everything outside of his house's doors. He feels he can take on anything with his wife by his side and supporting him. They say that behind every successful man is a woman. 

Are you that woman?

Happy Homemaking with a Higher Purpose
Angela B.
