There's No Place Like Home Birth: Our Home Birth Story Part 3: Affordable Cloth Diapering For Multiple Children
Alhamdulilah baby is due any day now, and we have decided to go about using cloth diapers, as we have for our youngest son. This will be the first time we are using them from birth subhanAllah.
Cloth diapers, while can seem like a costly initial start, isn't so bad if you decide to use prefolds.
MashaAllah, with two children in cloth diapers, buying a lot of pocket diapers can be costly, if you do not have enough to make that investment but prefolds are at very good prices mashaAllah!! Whether new or used, you can find a good deal on a stash of prefolds.
Alhamdulilah as our son will soon be potty trained I'm loving that his old cloth diapers will go to the baby once he gets older.
With prefolds, we have about 7 covers so far that goes on top of the prefolds, mashaAllah you can see in the other pictures to see what three of the covers look like :)
Alhamdulilah we have been looking to try new homemade laundry detergent that will work for our diapers and other clothes, inshaAllah will share that one soon!!
My favorite person and place to buy diapers from is my friend Dalecia, of Love,d she sells natural, environmentally friendly family products. Love,d Etsy Store and Facebook Love,d Facebook
The cool thing about cloth diapering is that it does not have to be expensive alhamdulilah I am blessed to have friends send their diapers to me as well that they have not used, or they were used and really taken care of.
MashaAllah ever since we started using cloth diapers on Tahleel, we have saved a lot of money on diapers, they have been well worth it!
In the beginning we were using a washboard to clean them, and that was for about a year, it really got the diapers clean and then now we are washing them in a washing machine alhamdulilah mashaAllah.
So our cloth diapering journey continues, with using pockets and prefolds and saving money along the way while doing something for the environment. alhamdulilah!! Alright please make duaa!!
The adventure continues!
al-Mu’jam al-Kabir 5/65, Tabarani related a hadith,
وتحفظوا على الأرض فإنها أمكم
“And take care of the earth for verily she is your mother.”
Cloth diapers, while can seem like a costly initial start, isn't so bad if you decide to use prefolds.
MashaAllah, with two children in cloth diapers, buying a lot of pocket diapers can be costly, if you do not have enough to make that investment but prefolds are at very good prices mashaAllah!! Whether new or used, you can find a good deal on a stash of prefolds.
Alhamdulilah as our son will soon be potty trained I'm loving that his old cloth diapers will go to the baby once he gets older.
With prefolds, we have about 7 covers so far that goes on top of the prefolds, mashaAllah you can see in the other pictures to see what three of the covers look like :)

My favorite person and place to buy diapers from is my friend Dalecia, of Love,d she sells natural, environmentally friendly family products. Love,d Etsy Store and Facebook Love,d Facebook
The cool thing about cloth diapering is that it does not have to be expensive alhamdulilah I am blessed to have friends send their diapers to me as well that they have not used, or they were used and really taken care of.
MashaAllah ever since we started using cloth diapers on Tahleel, we have saved a lot of money on diapers, they have been well worth it!
In the beginning we were using a washboard to clean them, and that was for about a year, it really got the diapers clean and then now we are washing them in a washing machine alhamdulilah mashaAllah.
So our cloth diapering journey continues, with using pockets and prefolds and saving money along the way while doing something for the environment. alhamdulilah!! Alright please make duaa!!
The adventure continues!
al-Mu’jam al-Kabir 5/65, Tabarani related a hadith,
وتحفظوا على الأرض فإنها أمكم
“And take care of the earth for verily she is your mother.”
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