Yummy Yogurt

Alhamdullah you will be surprised at how easy it is to make your own yogurt. Not only is it easy, its much more cost effective than buying yogurt from the store. All you need is patience, milk, crockpot and a small container of yogurt (for the live cultures).

You could buy cultures but alhamdulilah it was much easier for us to buy a yogurt that had live cultures in it.

How to make yogurt in your crockpot:
Pour gallon of milk in crockpot
Heat on high for 2 hours
Turn off the crockpot and leave it alone for 3 hours

If you can put your fnger in the crockpot for 10 seconds then take out two cups of warm milk, mix in the yogurt starter and then pour it back into the crockpot.

Wrap the crockpot with a towel, to help the yogurt cool down slowly and then let it sit for 11 hours and better overnight. Some people put it in the oven of course with the oven OFF, just as an extra way of locking in the heat. This is optional, just don't forget that the crockpot is in the oven!

Enjoy yogurt with homemade granola or fruit jams!

Wow I should have done this a long time ago mashaAllah! We have some good yogurt mashaAllah and my husband enjoyed it, looks like the children will be having homemade yogurt for snack today!

If you need tips for thicker yogurt: Tips for thicker homemade yogurt


  1. I plan on testing this recipe on Sunday inshallah!
    I tried another crockpot method and three batches later all I got was thick milk lol

    I will let you know how it goes inshallah!

  2. Assalamualaikum, so pour milk only? does it become sour like yogurt later? jazakillah sister


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