Loving Your Spouse For Allah

By: Ameer Idris Rahim

Alhamdoo leellah ~ We thank Allah for the blessings of Islam & most of all we are thankful for the blessings of the most splendid person who taught us our Islam, Prophet Muhammed, the Messenger of Allah alayhe Salatoo wa Salam. The teachings of the Deen tells us that marriage fullfils half of the Religion/Way of life. So marriage is a matter of VERY serious importance.

So to be complete in the Deen one needs to get & stay married. Two, very different matters & the former naturally procededs the latter. But staying together can & will happen by the Grace of Allah if & when we know, HOW TO MAKE OUR MARRIAGE WORK.

Because marriage does not work if it is broken. Ane we know the Prophet alay he Salat Allah told us that " to break a woman is to divorce her". And we know that the dreadful "d" word is the shaytons #1 objective ... i.e. destroy the family- meaning break up marriages ... So this article of knowledge & information is to remind us all of what we know deep down inside already. If the love is pure & strong, we wont go wrong.

So what is the Purest & Strongest source of Love? 

The all Almighty, all Loving Lord God-Allah. And we know that most beloved of all the creation, is the Prophet Muhammed alay he Salat Allah, who told us. " I have been made to love 3 things from your world .... 1 . pleasant fragrance 2. (qualities in) woman 3. Salat/Prayer which is what cools my eyes. ..... So what then, could be more beautiful than the combination of all 3 ... Praying with ones beloved wife who smells pleasantly wonderful (in the home of course).  So thats the 1st tip that we advise ourself with & all who read .....

#1.  Pray together & love to pray together. Always remember that when we have a praying spouse we MUST love them, for the fact that, they love The God of all-Allah, enough to do what He most Exalted has commanded them to do. Which is, pray everyday, at least 5 times. Subhan Allah, the blessing of having righteous, sincere, praying companionship, is the best companionship of all.

#2. Take intimate time to be together to learn beneficial things & pleasure each other & learn how to do that, one way to learn about each others likes & dislikes is simply saying ..... i really like it when you ________ & the same for what you don't really like (in a nice, kind, pleasant way of course :). And that is enough on that topic.

#3. Realize that your spouse has feelings, that are to be treated even more delicately than one would treat a carton of eggs when traveling. No one likes to be offended. As my beloved father may Allah have Mercy of his soul would say .... An offended person is  harder to win over, than a fortified fort.

#4. Don't be difficult .... Why give someone a hard time when you don't have to .... Do we like it when people give us a hard time? .... So then there you go. OK .......

# 5. And most important....  let the dreadful "d" word (divorce) be the furthest thing (word) from you mind & tounge .....  & work everyday to make sure your marriage works ..... it will work if you work it & its worth it, so work it ..... as my beloved mother always says, may Allah ta ala preserve my loving momma~ Ameen Allah Ameen. And to my wonderful amazing wife for life, i pray Allah ta ala increases you & your loved ones in much goodness & magnify your rewards for your sincere strives to benefit the community of the Prophet Muhammed alay he Salat Allah. Ameen Allah Ameen ~ Wal Hamdoo leellahee Rabbill alameen
