Putting Noor In Your Sink

Okay okay, I'm a Fly Lady in the making. I fly, I fall and then I fly some more. One thing is, I love their methods such as shining your sink and using a timer. I benefited from these two points the most.

Once I shine my sink and it's gleaming in the kitchen, it really does make me want to shine my whole kitchen. I think shining my sink is an inspiration for me.

If you have not joined The FlyLady's page it is on facebook and they have a website too www.flylady.net

Do you put some noor in your sink? Put noor in your home, a clean home makes your place shine, it really lights up my home Also I feel good and want to continue that good feeling. Alhamdulilah The Flylady system can sometimes fill overwhelming, but there is a lot of wealth and benefit from what I take from it. Also recommend 31 Days To Clean- Having A Martha House The Mary way.... this ebook cost less than 4 dollars and it really is a good book! It has a website too with cleaning challenges, simple, nice, and beneficial! I really recommend it.

When I shine my sink my husband is a big supporter of course but not because it is clean but because he is always proud of the attempts I make to be better at homemaking, he always says "As salaamu alaykum Flylady" and tells me how fly I am :)

Put some noor in your sink


  1. You know I have seen many of her videos too. LOLOL We have a lot in common you and I. :) I think having a clean home,not only is it part of our Islam, but it just makes everything more calm. You as a homemaker feel better too. It is something that has to be done all the time and it takes a lot of work to keep a home but it is rewarding. :)

  2. Thanks Angel for stopping by! lol We do have a lot in common! I stopped by your blog :) Exactly I feel more relaxed when the house is in order, yep it is a lot of work but I feel so good at the end of the day mashaAllah!

  3. For 6 months I lived with a Mennonite family working on their farm. For the lady of the house birthday she requested that book. So her daughter and I bought it together. I will never forget living with them, such a lovely family, Masha'allah. She was already very clean and orderly, I don't know why she needed the book. LOL

  4. As salamu alaikum
    Dear sister Rahma
    You have bought alot of Rahma to my home. I came to know about Flylady after reading this post some time ago and Alhamdulillah my life has changed.
    Barakallahu feek


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